Rescapé de la forêt de Fangorn ou tout simplement sorti d'une création de Tim Burton? Le Chêne à Guillotin (chêne pédonculé) de la forêt de Paimpont (Brocéliande) aurait près de 1000 ans et malgré le creux en son sein il survit aux âges. Paroi rocail...
Do you really know yourself? Have you ever tried to dive in your inmost soul, wandering into the pristine lands of the aether body? Just let you feel and you'll discover. Accompagné de Yann Gouez, Forêt de Brocéliande .
Who remember the lost realm of Celts apart from old rocks haunted by fallen souls? Ask them our past and they'll tell our future . Jardin des Moines, Forêt de Brocéliande
Those who heard words of the hidden Valenwood seldom believed in. Sylphs, Spriggans, Korrigans, Leprechauns and flyghty creatures, these are fairy tales they'd say. Yet, when Valenwood finds you, that means you have been ready for training about Mysticism....